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Ohana on YouTube

Interested in learning tips and tricks off the mat that will help your practice or calm the mind?  Check out our YouTube channel where we post weekly tutorials on everything from how to break down certain poses to mantras (chanting) to barre tricks to breathing & meditation techniques.  Have something you want us to feature? Let us know through our "Contact Us" page or email us at

Body Scan for Deep Relaxation - Alexis Bethel
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🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (October 2, 2018): Body Scan for Deep Relaxation
🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (September 10, 2018): Aerial Yoga Harrison Handstand

Join Alexis as she guides you through the perfect 15 minute guided body scan meditation for when you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed or if you need some assistance falling asleep.

Watch as Meghan takes you through the full process of getting into your Aerial Yoga Harrison handstand. For individuals with back and neck pain, many yoga poses and inversions, like handstands, just aren’t an option. But when suspended in the air and supported by the hammock, performing and holding a handstand puts a lot less pressure on your spine or neck when compared to a regular handstand.

🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (September 3, 2018): Barre Releve

Watch as Britni goes over proper form while on relevé at the barre. It’s important that weight is always equal in the feet and evenly distributed with the toes. Relevé not only challenges balance but also amps up thigh and lower body work at the barre. So maybe you try to get those heels a little higher and feel even more of a burn!

🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (August 28, 2018): Birds of Paradise

Watch as Lauren shows you how to transition from side angle to the bind and then to birds of paradise. Birds of Paradise or Svarga Dvijasana is a challenging balance pose that incorporates shoulder flexibility, hip opening, core and back strengthening, and hamstring lengthening. So it’s important to work your way up to this pose with proper stretching.

🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (August 21, 2018): Learning the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

It’s Tidbit Tuesday!! And today is a special shout-out to all of our loyal Dharma yogis! As promised, Alexis has created a follow along for the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra used in class. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a common but powerful mantra used in India and in yogic traditions and is thought to be good for longevity. By repeating this chant daily it is said to bring about health, wealth, prosperity and a long life. What more can we want? Traditionally when learning a new chant or mantra it is done through call and response with the teacher but today you can do it at home, just click on the link and follow along with Alexis!

🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (August 14, 2018): Learning Bridge & Wheel Pose

Watch as Lauren demonstrates the proper form and safe way to get into Urdhva Dhanurasana (or wheel pose). Wheel pose is an intense backbend and with all backbends it is very important to ensure that the back and body are fully warmed up with proper prep poses so as to prevent injury. But once you’re able to master wheel pose it is a great stretch for your chest and hip flexors, helps develop strength and flexibility of the spine, strengthens the upper body and stimulates the cardiovascular system. So keep going for it! But make sure you practice it safely! 

🕉️ Tidbit Tuesday (August 7, 2018): Aerial Yoga Butterfly Pose

Watch as Lauren demonstrates the proper form and safe way to get into Urdhva Dhanurasana (or wheel pose). Wheel pose is an intense backbend and with all backbends it is very important to ensure that the back and body are fully warmed up with proper prep poses so as to prevent injury. But once you’re able to master wheel pose it is a great stretch for your chest and hip flexors, helps develop strength and flexibility of the spine, strengthens the upper body and stimulates the cardiovascular system. So keep going for it! But make sure you practice it safely! 

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